Wednesday, September 3, 2014

UiEHR Presentation at OSEHRA Summit 2014

The Unified integrated Electronic Health Record (UiEHR) is a fully automated 'open architecture' solution initially designed for potential use by the Military Health System (MHS) and the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). It provides seamless real-time interoperability and data interchange between the EHR systems used by these two organizations.

TSRI spent the better part of ten years building Mumps to Java automatic conversion capabilities that now support a Unified integrated EHR (UiEHR) in the Cloud. After completing a pilot project demonstrating the capabilities of the system, TSRI has begun the rollout of a pre-alpha release of UiEHR in time for the OSEHRA 2014 Summit being held this week in Bethesda, Maryland. It is hoped that the OSEHRA community will review the system and participate in continuing efforts to improve the system over time.

Clearly no such universal iEHR/EMR system exists today. If it did, it would be omnipresent in the world of medical care. It has become apparent that whoever succeeds in creating such a system could change the world of healthcare. The basic ingredients for such a system now exists. The VA has stated that TSRI proved the concept with its UiEHR pilot project. Now, TSRI wants to move beyond the pilot to a fully integrated Mumps/Java co-located Cloud based solution. For that TSRI needs to turn to the Open Source Electronic Health Record Alliance (OSEHRA) programming community.

The following are some of the characteristics of the UiEHR solution according to TSRI:

  • “Push-Button” Conversion from Mumps to Java Cloud - Conversion of Single Systems of 2.1 to 2.5 Million lines of code in 1 hour 20 min .
  • No human intervention is required after conversion of the code to hand tune the code. Simply replace MUMPS with the JSE/JEE modules generated by the translator.
  • Original code and modernized code can interoperate and can be run at the same time.
  • Performance of the modernized code is better than MUMPS code, and is elastic and scalable in cloud-based PAAS/IAAS.
  • Translation is extremely accurate. Currently, a five sigma rate level of accuracy (less than 1 functional error per 100,000 lines of code translated) has been demonstrated.
  • MUMPS computer code can operating in parallel with the modernized code until the decision is made to pull the plug on MUMPS.

Senior health IT leadership of both the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) have stated that TSRI proved the concept in separate pilot projects conducted by TSRI for each organization.

TSRI's solution can create a world in which there are no barriers between diverse EHR systems. It allows organizations to move their legacy EHR systems into a unified cloud-based system - i.e. UiEHR. For more technical detail, attend the UiEHR presentation by TSRI at this year's OSEHRA Summit. You can also go to The Software Revolution Incorporated (TSRI) web site.

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